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Purilum Strawberry Marshmallow & Rice Cereal.


Please note, this is just a food flavour concentrate, not an actual cereal! It must be diluted prior to use!


SessionDrummer's note:


Strawberry Marshmallow Cereal (PUR) 6%

Having grown up with Frakenberry cereal had a hard time waiting 2 weeks for this one, as it smelled very promising in the bottle. After waiting, was pleasantly surprised to find this was almost exactly Frankenberry cereal. For those that don’t know, it was an artificially flavored strawberry marshmallow cereal. Don’t get any “cereal” notes, but that’s just fine as the strawberry marshmallow and a hint of milk/creme are all over this mix. Even mix, sweeteness is good, and the strawberry w./ a smidge of milk is all very good. Now typically when I hear “artificial” I run for the door. It’s NOT in a bad way in this one, and works perfectly. It’s so good to my pallete that I cannot go less than 10/10.


Purilum Strawberry Marshmallow & Rice Cereal

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